4 Corporate Sustainability Ideas to Adopt in the 21st Century

4 Corporate Sustainability Ideas to Adopt in the 21st Century

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With the rise of global temperatures and climate change, adopting sustainable practices is more important than ever. 

This is true for individuals, and especially so for businesses. Given that commercial entities are the biggest contributor to climate change, consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental footprint of products they consume and the organisations they engage with.

As such, it is in a company’s best interests to put its best foot forward towards sustainability. While we know how daunting such a transition can be, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some easy and impactful corporate sustainability ideas to adopt!

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The greatest things are achieved through a series of small steps. And of all the ideas we have presented, this one is by far the easiest to implement, and one of the best ways to fight the climate crisis. 

Corporate and institutional entities are notorious for generating significant amounts of waste. How you approach design, manufacturing, purchase or the use of materials both in and outside of your organisation can go a long way in reducing your carbon footprint while demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

2. Utilise Materials that are Cost-Effect and Sustainable

While the switch to sustainable materials may not be easy, there are cost-effective solutions already available in the market. Take for example exhibition booths. By replacing metal and plastic with eco-friendly materials such as cardboard, your company will be able to reduce material waste, save money, and garner support from the growing number of environmentally-conscious consumers.

How can Cardboard Help Reduce Waste and Save Money?

Cardboard is one of the most environmentally friendly materials. The fibre contained in the cardboard is already processed, which makes it much easier to recycle. It also helps that structures made from cardboard are much more durable than they appear. In fact, our innovations in cardboard design (Gaia Boards™, PaperConnect ™️ and Cardboard Carpentry™️) have allowed us to create cardboard structures that are light-weight, durable, and cheaper as compared to wood or plastic alternatives.

Yes, exhibition booths made out of cardboard are cheaper versus traditional wood and plastic alternatives, and they are easier to set up and dispose of too. 

At Paper Carpenter, we’ve built and innovated a range of products around one of the most environmentally friendly products in the world: cardboard. Our unique cardboard blend is 100% recyclable. You can check out some of our works here.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Recycling as a corporate sustainability endeavour promotes the conservation of non-renewable resources, it moderates the hunt for raw materials, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and also conserves energy. There’s a host of materials that can be recycled including plastic, glass, and metal. 

Having said that, not all materials can be recycled or are biodegradable, which brings us to our next point, sustainable furniture!

4. Embrace Sustainable Furniture

We understand this might be an odd way of demonstrating sustainability, but bear with us for a second. 

First, it is important to realise the crucial role forests play in staving off climate change. They take carbon from the air and store it in wood, plant matter and under the soil. This prevents carbon dioxide (CO2) – the most critical greenhouse gas driving climate change – from remaining in the atmosphere.

4. Embrace Sustainable Furniture

Incorporate nature into your workplace with our geometric feature wall made from the PaperConnect™️ System.

Opting to use sustainable furniture will not only help prevent deforestation, it is more affordable, encourages reuse and recycling, has minimal impact on the environment, and looks great as well.

Recent innovations have made sustainable furniture a more compelling option. Our Cardboard Carpentry™ design language and PaperConnect System™, for example, allow us to create sustainable furniture that is both lasting and durable as much as it is elegant.

Here’s How Paper Carpenter Can Help

At Paper Carpenter, we use 100% recyclable cardboard to create all sorts of sustainable products, such as exhibition booth design, office space design using cardboard furniture, event support fabrications, sustainable corporate gift, customised packaging and more. 

Browse our offers to learn more about our commitment to creating a sustainable ecosystem. 

Want to find out more about the different corporate sustainability ideas that your organisation can adopt? Speak with us here.